Packaging Service
The great success of Perin S.p.A.’s packaging service has required additional organisational efforts from the company, so as to expand the production facility and develop the machinery created specifically for this service. Increasingly specific and personalised needs have meant that sophisticated automations could be implemented to optimise production times and provide greater control to ensure punctual and accurate deliveries.
Counting units for the various accessories; movement and bundling; customised bag printing specifying the contents, with bar code or company logo; hardware insertion and bag sealing; computerised electronic weighing; automatic packing: an efficient, accurate, tried-and-tested process.
The packaging service also allows for bags to be requested with other specific characteristics, from the classic individual pack to heat-sealed packaging with 2, 3, 4 or more sections containing different products.
Perin S.p.A. completes the packaging service range including some more complex products such as clothes hanging rails or accessories of varying lengths. Furthermore, a specific machine allows skin packs or blister packs to be provided. Each package or section can be customised individually with codes, descriptions and/or company brands.